Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jobs? Maybe?

Tari, I'm so glad you posted! It's been a little dead around here for a while! 

So my brother went off to college. COLLEGE. My brother. At college. (If you can't tell, I'm still kinda in shock) My parents are getting home from Denver tonight, and as far as I've heard, all went well. The setup of their room is apparently really awesome, everyone is really impressed with their couch, apparently. And Trevor said his roommate Jared doesn't seem too bad! 

My other news is job related. As the whole world probably knows, I've been sending applications out the wazoo all summer, but I have TWO jobs in the works! One was the one that called me while I was staying at 809 with Erika, it's a production assistant position in Indiana. The guy seems really nice. I called him again today since I hadn't heard from him in a while, and he said he was busy, but that he's getting back on board with finding someone to hire, and he's narrowed it down to his top five. And I'm still in the mix. So I'm supposed to hear from him again soon, and he also passed on my resume to a guy in the news department for an editor position that opened up. So that's promising. 

And then a few days ago, I got an email for another production assistant position, in Waco, Texas. He sent a bunch of information about the job, and then asked for times I'm available to interview. So I'm talking to him at 10 a.m. on Friday! I just really freakin' want a job. So keep all your fingers and toes crossed :) 

I love you all and miss you like crazy! xx

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I don't know what to title this

Hi girls!

It's September! Yay! That means fall is right around the corner and bon fires are in sight! I miss you all terribly and I want y'all to know I love you so very much. Tommy and I just got back from Gulf Shores. It was a blast! I miss being on the beach. We went fishing and I caught 7 sharks! We cooked one yesterday and it was DELICIOUS! Callie, congrats on the bank upgrade! You rock! Shinal and Erika, I hope the beginning of the school year is going well for both of you! It's weird not having to go back to school... I like not having to though I'm not going to lie. Sarah, I hope work is going great for you! I know you are going to be the best nurse ever! If I ever get hurt there is no doubt I'm going to you for help. Kate, I hope the job search is going well. Eventually one of the companies who isn't a complete nut job will hire you!

I think i blabbered enough. I love you all! Keep in contact!


Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hello ladies!

Since Tarah wrote one for August, I figured I could too.

There's not a whole lot going on in my life right now. I start working in the classroom tomorrow... little nervous. I wish I could skip it and just start my new job at the bank. They offered me the branch manager position, along with marketing director. I'm really excited about it! I don't know if I'll stay if I get an offer to teach at Dunlap, but it's a start if I don't want to teach. I'll be making enough to pay my car off in no time. If I live at home, I can probably have it paid off in 2 years! That's not going to happen bc I desperately want to move out, but it's an option:) I like options!

I probably sound like a spoiled bratt, but bear in mind I do live at home... Funny story, I dropped my cell into the toilet yesterday morning. Yup. I went fishing. Thank goodness it was clean, but that didn't really help the survival of my phone. The bank offered to pay part of the fees for me to have an iPhone if I stay to use for marketing, and I convinced my parents it was a great birthday present. Even if I don't stay at the bank, I can use it for teaching.

Dallas just turned 18. I can't believe he's so old! I'll be 22 in less than a month... YUCK! I really don't have much to say. I don't have a very interesting life. I read a lot. lol. I hope you have all had fabulous summers, and I hope to see you very soon;) I miss everyone, and I want you all to live in Peoria. Wherever you are is too far away from me.

Love you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Full-time WITH Benefits

Man, you guys have no idea how happy I was to see that I didn't miss a blog of the last month. I was freaking out thinking that so much might had happened but I'm relieved to find out I didn't miss out...

So, this week has been my first week working with Bass Pro. It's been kicking my arse! It's manual labor right now. We are all trying to set up the whole shop and make it look normal but when you go into the store you have to wear a hard hat while working because there is still a lot of construction going on and people are still painting the murals on the walls. It's really cool in there but a lot of work. Yesterday, after work, mom called me and told me that they might have a position at the Journal Star available for full-time. This is the second time she has told me that they might have a position open so I didn't think about it too much. In the late afternoon, Mike, the boss at the Journal Star called me and told me that they got approved to hire me for the full-time Obituary position! The position has benefits and everything and I will be getting paid around $16/hour! I was freaking out! So now I have to put in my two weeks notice at Bass Pro and they haven't even opened yet! I'm guessing they won't take it too lightly but hey, it happens.

Now I can finally start making some real money and saving it up for my wedding and a new house! I'm so excited. Going from $8.50 to $16 is a pretty big jump! My week is going to be a little different though. I'll be working from Saturday-Wednesday, so Thursdays and Fridays are my days off. So, I probably won't be able to do many things on the weekend with you guys :(

Well, that's all my exciting news! I love and miss you all!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Kittens, Interviews, Weddings, and Gender Mishaps

Okay, I think I'm due for a blog post.

As you all know, last weekend Tommy and I found three little kittens in their parents shed while they were in Alabama. They must have been born in their Combine because that is where I discovered the meowing coming from. At first we thought it was a regular barn cat caught in there but after Tommy got up in the Combine and found them I was so excited! I wanted to hold them and take them home with me right then and there! Tommy told me that we should probably put them back up where we found them so that their mom could get to them and feed them but I told him that we should take them to a vet to get them checked out (after all we didn't see their mom anywhere). After that day we went back to check on them twice a day just to make sure they were doing alright.

When Tommy's parents came home from Alabama, me, Tommy, Jenna, and Tim were taking Beth (Tommy's mom) out the the shed to show her. Tim went up in the Combine to get the kittens and he was joking with me saying that they were dead. I hit him and told him to stop joking. After he took a while to get them and not hearing the kittens meow I knew something was wrong. Tim was saying that they really were dead and that they were cold. Tommy was so upset that he started walking to their shop so that he could get a shovel to bury them. I went right after him because I knew he would be upset and I didn't want to see my kittens dead. After we got in the shop I just started crying non-stop. Tommy was saying how sorry he was and that it was his fault. It wasn't his fault though. They were way too young to take away from their mother and neither one of us knew that she wasn't around.

The next day, Tommy got me a new kitten! The lady told us that the two she had left were females. I was hooked on the name Penelope, because that was the name I was going to give the other kitten that died before her. However, today Beth and I took Penelope to the vet to find out that she is really a he. So, his name is now Peter. I call him Pete or Petey. It's weird though because sometimes I slip and still call him Penelope. I guess I will just have to save that name for my future daughter :P (Maybe that's not a good idea since the name hasn't worked out yet).

On top of all of that... I got a second interview with Bass Pro Shop! I would be working in the Fudge Shop and I have my second interview on Thursday!

And lastly, I am trying on and hopefully buying my wedding dress July 16th! I can't wait. :)

Geeze, I'm sorry my blog is so long... I had a lot to say.

I love you all and I wish your sister lots of luck on her wedding week Sarah!!! Hopefully I'll see you all soon!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello there!

Hey girlies!!!

I just wanted to say a quick hello from Amsterdam! I am having so much fun on this vacation and I can't wait to come back and see all of you guys!

Kate, I briefly looked at pictures from your Italy trip and it looks like you had an amazing time!

Callie, I also saw your pictures from Spain and it looks like you had a blast!

Well I have to go now, but I hope that everyone is enjoying their summers! See you all when I get back!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hi From Rome =)

Hey girls!

Just a quick one from me, but i just wanted to say hi!! (also, please excuse the bad punctuation in this post, i cant freakin work the italian keyboards. confusing.) Were in Rome at the moment, but we leave for london around 515 pm. Then were in london for the night, and leave for chicago on monday! ill be home around 9pm ish, i think.

italy has been SO much fun, every city weve been to has been beautiful (and weve made some italian friends along the way. alburico, guiseppe, chiro, alfredo. yes, i said alfredo.) and weve done a TON. and erika, i took many, many pictures for you =) Were all pretty exhausted though, its pretty much been two weeks of nonstop action, so im ready to get back home. and once we do, itll be about 10 days until i hear back from the olympics, so keep your fingers crossed!

anyway, ive got to go up and pack and shower, so thats all from me for now! i love all of you, and i hope to see you guys VERY soon after i get back!! im thinking of maybe coming down to peoria for a day or two to hang out with everyone and celebrate erikas BIRTHDAY! Well have to talk =)

see you soooon!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hawaiians are IDIOTS! And I'm an alcoholic

Hey everyone!! So I thought I'd give you all an update from my birthday. Well I don't remember much haha but I do know that I had a great time!! I wish you all could have been there. Thank you Valentine for not letting me end up in the hospital :) I did, however, wake up with jam in my hair. I fell asleep on my toast Haha I also crawled out of the bathroom on my hands and knees at Kayla's house (good things their floors are clean!). Tyler came into my room like 5 different times that night to make sure I was still alive haha I can't wait till we can all go out here soon!

On a different note, Kanoa has contacted me yet again. Telling me that I am not allowed to comment on this cousins pictures LOL! He will not leave me alone. This is the 4th or 5th message he has sent me without me responding to ANY OF THEM. And he just doesn't get the hint!

But things with Tyler are going really well, his family made me dinner the other night and gave me presents and they all want me to go on vacation with them this summer. That must be a good sign right?! I hope they like me more than Emily haha but I doubt I'm too that point yet. I can tell Tyler is starting to love me more too...I know that sounds weird but he's changed a lot form when we first started dating. It's hard to explain but thing are going really well!!! And apparently I kept telling everyone that I love him when I was drunk the other night. I have an obsession with touching faces too...lol I miss you guys soooo stinkin much. I can't wait to see you all!!! I LOVE YOU ALL WITH MY WHOLE ENTIRE BEATING HEART! Even when it's dead it will still be beating with love for you guys haha Sorry this is such a long one....

OH! And Jamie is talking to me again...I really can't hold grudges...which is probably a bad thing in this situation but I would have felt really bad if I didn't talk to her.

I think that's it...lol Ta ta for now!! :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Interviews after interviews

Well it is nearing midnight and I have yet another interview tomorrow for a different company. I am praying I get one of these jobs. The one I interviewed for on Wednesday would be my ideal job. I hope I get a call back! I thought I did really well on it but the guy I interviewed with told my mom's friend that works there that I was real nervous... I didn't even think I was that nervous... Plus it was my first ever after-college interview! However, he also told her that I had the best work and resume out of all the candidates! That's a great compliment!! He told me during the interview that he has narrowed it down the 3 out of over 100 applicants... and I am one of the three! So, please pray for me girls!! I need all the prayers I can get.

Speaking of prayers, Sarah how is Leah doing?? I pray for her every night. I pray she is gaining strength and feeling better. And Sarah you will do great on your test!! I believe in you!! You are so smart and the best nurse EVER!

I hope you two travelers (Kate and Callie) are having a blast! You better be taking lots of photos to show all of us! I hope you had a great birthday Kate! I know that the plane isn't that great of a place to celebrate your big 22 years of life, but I hope that the lovely country of Italy is making it up to you!

And Shinal... Who wears a black bra under a white shirt??? You weirdo!! Hahaha. You make me laugh.

Love you all!!!


One Week

One week until I take my boards for nursing!!!! I am not really freaking out about it right now, just a little worried about it! I have a lot of studying to do between now and then! Callie I tried not to schedule if for the 16th since you are getting back the 15th, but that was the available for me to take it :(

I also had my second interview at the hospital in Rock Island yesterday! It was with the floor manager on a cardiac step-down unit! I really liked it there, and met a few of the people I would be working with and they all seemed really nice! I am supposed to hear about the job in about ONE WEEK!! So yes I am hoping I get that job! Tari congrats on the interview yesterday! They would be crazy not to call you back, but I am still praying they do!!

The bridal shower last week was really nice! We have another one this weekend so that should be fun!! As for Kate, Callie and pretty soon to be Shinal, have an awesome time on your adventures in foreign countries!!! and Valentine I will be seeing you soon!!!!!!! 21!!!!!!! =D

Love you all!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hey Girlies!!

I thought I should give an update about what is going on in boring Wheeling!

I have started brainstorming clothing options for London today and I have no idea what to bring! I hate the that we are only allowed to bring one suitcase now! I leave in two weeks, and still have no idea what I am going to wear to the weddings!

I went to a concert this past weekend with some of my friends from here. It was an alternative rock concert and I don't even listen to that kind of music! There were so many punk rockers there that were completely drunk by 1pm! We were only there for about thirty minutes before it started to downpour/hail, so we had to leave. I had the smart idea of wearing a white shirt with a black bra...and the shirt became literally see-through! (note to self: never wear a white shirt with a black bra)

This weekend I am going to my cousin's bachelorette party in Minnesota which should be fun! I am not really sure what exactly is going on with that except that we are going to be going to a Minnesota Twins game.

Erika! I hope that you have an amazing birthday this weekend! I am sorry again for not being able to come down and celebrate with you! We all need to hang out when we are all back in the country!

I ordered myself a Kindle because my mom thinks I have been stealing hers too much now that I have all this time to read now! I just finished Something Borrowed, and now I am on Something Blue! Kate--I am loving these books! It is very hard to stop reading them!

I miss you and love you all loads!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Shit is BANANAS

So I haven't posted one of these in a little while so I figured I'd fill ya'll in!! Today I went shopping with Tarah and Katie to find something to wear to go out on Friday night! I can't wait! But at the same time I'm a little scared....lol Sarah please don't let me drink so much that I throw up or have to be rushed to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. I am putting you in charge of my life Nurse :) Ps. I can't wait to see you Valentine! :) Kate I hope you have an AMAZING birthday, I wish so badly I was celebrating with you right now and to give you your present, I really hope you like it!!!!

I'm also trying to find a new job, we had a meeting at Famous Daves the other day and the whole meeting everyone was talking crap about someone else...it was like high school all over again! I wanted to shoot myself. My managers also said that they have a right to cuss at us and be disrespectful but we can't back. And they said they don't have to follow our availability. My boss also threw a cheeseburger across the food prep line the other day...it almost hit someone lol THINGS HAVE GONE CRAZY AT FAMOUS DAVES!!! AHHHHHH! Haha! Somethings in the bbq sauce...

Well that's about all the excitement in my life at the moment. I love you all so very much and I miss you all soooooo much. I haven't been sure what to do with myself without ya'll. It's like I lost a part of me lol But I will see you guys all very soon (at least I better otherwise I might go bananas) Well peace! For now :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ciao Bellas!

Well, girlies, tomorrow is the day! We're off to Italy :) The itinerary is: we have a limo coming to pick us up at 7:45 a.m., our flight to New York is at 10:30, and we leave from New York to Milan around 5 (I think). I don't know how much I'll be able to get online, so this might be all from me for two weeks! 

I hope you all have a great two weeks, Erika, happy friggin' 21st birthday!! You all better buy her TONS of drinks! (Okay, maybe not tons. I don't want her to pass out. But buy her a blonde slut for me.) 

I love you all mucho, and I can't wait to see you when I get back!! xo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wedding plans falling into place... finally

Hey girls!!! So, I have a lot of good news... well I don't know if it's good news or just news but it kind of makes me happy.

Tommy and I decided to stick with the first photographer, Jessica Peterson. She is so much cheaper than the second one and there photos are fairly similar so we decided cheaper is better! Here's her website!


Second, I found this dress on the internet that I absolutely love! I want my wedding dress to look like it!! Tell me what you think!

Thirdly, I've lost a total of 30 POUNDS!!!!!!

Fourthly, I've booked the DJ :) Same one as Kayla had. He's great and a lot of fun!

And last, the bridesmaid dresses are ALL PURPLE!!! And the shoes are going to be a bright either turquoise or gold yellow. They are going to look so cute.

Everything is finally starting to fall into place with the whole wedding. It feels good to get stuff done.

I love you all!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's June!

Since when was it June?! Sheesh! My birthday is in SIX days! But it doesn't count, so... Italy is in SIX DAYS! :) 

Things have been busy since we all left Cooper, I've been unpacking and running around doing errands. For my mom's birthday, we all went downtown Chicago and did a segway tour! It was SO cool. I sent you guys a picture, but here's a few more, I haven't put them on Facebook yet: 

 My goofy parents and their goofy helmets

Trevor and I by Buckingham Fountain

Then last weekend, Trevor graduated high school! It's so weird to think he's now the college kid. It was also really weird to go to the cermony, because it seemed like just yesterday that it was me graduating. I saw my old choir teachers, and they look exactly the same, it was like deja vu. All the same characters that were at my graduation came in for Trevor's, so we had a full house. Connor brought his dog, Luna, so Hoover had a cousin to play with. They were hilarious to watch, they just chased each other around until they both were too exhausted, and then they'd collapse for hours.
 Me and the gadugate :)

The puppies playing with each other

I bought a new camera today to take for the trip. That's the one thing I knew I wanted to do with my graduation money, and I found a really nice one that wasn't too, too expensive. My mom and I are also going to get our nails done tonight, because you can't go on vacation without pretty nails! (her words) 

This weekend, we're off to Ohio for graduation #3 (Connor's), and we're gone until Sunday. Monday is last minute trip stuff (I have most of my clothes together. We all know how much of a planner I am. Plus, it's pretty much all dresses, so it was pretty easy!) and our flight is something like 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning! I think we're celebrating both my birthday and my dad's birthday on Monday, since we won't be able to do a family dinner on the 7th. 

We should start planning a visit soon, so we can celebrate Erika's 21st! Let me know what you guys are up for, I'd love to come down and hang out with you all, and you are all welcome here, of course!

Callie, I hope you're having a FANTASTIC time in Spain, I got your text that you'd arrived, but I didn't want to reply in case it was like, $4485709485 per text. Sarah, have a great time at Hannah's shower, and you should post a picture of your dress, I want to see it! The rest of you, keep being awesome:) 

Love you all! xo

Me ranting on... and on... and on...

Wow you guys! It's June... already!! Where has the time gone? Kate, your birthday is coming up sooooo soon! Be excited :) I miss you guys like a fat man misses his cake... and that is when he is REALLY craving cake!

I met with the photographer yesterday and I LOVE HER! Her photos are amazing. You guys should check her out. Her website is pamcooleyphotos.com :)

I got a call today for an interview with the Peoria Area Visitors Bureau for a job! I was actually in the shower when he called so I called him back but he hasn't called back yet :( I hope I don't miss his second call... That would be BAD!

That sounds like some really interesting stuff going on between you and Juammy, Callie. I can see where it would be awkward... Since he is making it awkward that probably just verifies that he does like you.

So I started another fast. I am fasting eating out and snacking. It's been really hard so far. We don't really have much food in the house so I have to run to the store soon and buy some lettuce so I can make a salad! Yum!

Well, all this talk about food is making me hungry so I'm going to go do that! Love you guys!


Why Hello There!

Hello lovely 809 girls!!
Kate first off this is a fabulous idea!! I am not really sure what all to write sooo I guess just whats been going on since we left school... hmm well last week I had to take a review class for boards which was super boring! We sat there for 6 hours each day (monday-thrusday) and answered questions then when over the rational! I am so glad its over! I have to keep taking all these practice tests now though and they suck! I just got the letter that says I am authorized to take the test so I can sing up for a time, and I should be doing that now but I am so freaking scared of this test!! Also I had a job interview at the Hospital in Rock Island last week and it went really well! She seemed really nice and said I should definitely expect to hear from the floor managers for another interview! I really liked everything about it so I hope I get this job!!
I also have a kind of funny story! Yesterday I was headed into peoria, and after getting off the interstate, while turning, I hit the curb really hard! I was going to turn into the far lane, but I saw a car coming so decided to cut it sharp into the lane next to me, but that didn't really work. I completely blew out my right tire, and am lucky the rim wasn't bent or anything! I had to call my dad, and he came to help me. Before he got there I was trying to change it myself and 2 different men asked if I needed help... they were kinda scary so I passed! Then we got the spare on and it was almost flat so it turned into a big long ordeal! Not good! Anyways I think thats it! I got my bridesmaid dress yesterday and I LOVE the color (its purple!) We also have Hannah's first shower this weekend so I am kind of excited!! Ok sorry if this was too long, I am just excited I figured it out! Love and miss you all!!! :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011


This is really fun! And I forgot to mention how much I miss you allllll! More than I love Jensen! That's a lot people.

Erika, did you watch the finale? It was crazy! Cas? I'm nervous for the next season.

!Hóla Chicas!

!Voy a España en un día! !Está muy loca! No soy listo.

Well ladies... It has been a crazy few weeks for me since we left. I've been working full time, and we've had our entire mortgage department quit! I've been trying to cover all of that, while doing my other duties. It's just been a bit of a rough time.

Kate, I almost got an iPhone today! aaaaalmost... If they worked in Spain, I would've had one!

I got new luggage and everything today for my trip. We leave Tuesday, and I'm soooo not ready. I feel like I just finally got unpacked... oh wait. I did! Two minutes ago! (Minus all of my things that are not clothing-they're still in tubs). I am going to do my best to update this from Spain, but I make no promises.

I have new boy drama... what's new there?! lol. It's a little weird not having you guys to talk to about it. I feel a little alone, but Megan's doing a pretty good job trying to cover your asses:) It's with Juammy, and I feel a little strange talking about it on here. I think it's kind of self explanatory. We're friends. Everyone thinks we should be more. I just decided I would just blab it out and try to talk to him about it. Things got awkward. Now, I keep overcompensating in the texting/speaking department, and I think he's pretty annoyed with me. Awkward. Also, he is picking me up in Chicago when I get home, so that should be a fun ride.

PS: Speaking of boys, Erika, I stepped in a Tyler lugy (sp?) in your drive way today. Tell him to watch where he's hawking those things :P hahahaha Seriously though... gross!

Okay, well I think that's enough for now.

Ohhhh and the house. I cleaned all my shit Saturday, and mom and I went back today. We cleaned the refrigerator out other than where Shinal's stuff was. We also did the laundry stuff downstairs and a couple other things. Sarah's going in to do a few things tomorrow. We aren't paying for a cleaning service. We'll get it done.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day ladies! It is a legal holiday, so live it up:)


Friday, May 27, 2011

Weird Dream!!!

So the other night I had this really messed up dream. It included our old house, our pool, a guy masterbating, us thinking he is having sex with his daughter, tornadoes, and me still dating Tommy, yet he married Kayla. What the freak!? It was so bizarre!

Other than that, things have been pretty normal around here. I'm meeting with a new wedding photographer on Tuesday. I really like her work. Plus her photos look a lot like Deidre Lynn's. She's $3,000 though!!! Pssssshhhhesh!

I miss you all! Callie - I hope you have a fantastic time in Spain! Be careful! And remember: It's usually the really cute nice guys who are serial killers!!!

Love you all!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey all!

I think that this was a fantastic idea! I am glad we all have some way of communicating and knowing what is going on each other's lives!

I haven't been doing very much except for working and going to the gym. (I know, it sounds really boring, and it is). On a happier note we are getting our bathrooms remodeled here and they are looking fantastic, the only downside is that they start working at 7am so I can't sleep in.

I have been missing you guys so much! I have no one to watch CSI and How I Met Your Mother with. =/

I hope that you all are doing well!



Howdy ya'll! I miss you all like cRaZy! Well, I just got off of work, it was pretty good...I spilled a whole container of ranch on my arm which was gross and almost died about 5 times on the same puddle of water but I made 90 bucks! I'm ok with that...lol On a more melancholy note...I've officially started to move my stuff into Kate and Sarah's room. It's really bizarre and doesn't feel quite right but I'm sure I'll get use to it eventually. Op! It's ten O'clock, time to take my pill!!! I hope you remembered Kate...lol Well that's about as exciting as my day was today. Tarah and I went to Carlos O'Kelly's which was delicious but now I feel fat. Haha! Yup, I think that's it.

I love you guys with my fullllllll heart! Time to go shower the ranch off my arm :)
So do we just talk about what our days are filled with? Haha, first off I want to say how great of an idea this is! I love how we can all still communicate. Today, I went to Cooper to get some more of my crap. It was so odd seeing everything so empty. I saw that Kate had left her precious purple coat! So, I decided to bring it home with me and keep it in safe hands ;) (I'm just kidding Kate).

Everyone is finally starting to help me out on my wedding plans! I've been working on the invitations but not really liking it. My Aunt Cassie told me she will be my wedding planner, which makes me feel so much better. She did great with Kayla's wedding. Kayla's photographer for her wedding (Deidre Lynn Photography) was so amazing it really upset me that she didn't have my wedding date, so dad and I were talking the other day and he asked me if I would be willing to move my wedding date up (or back but we all know I'm not going to do that) in order to be able to use her. So I emailed her today and hopefully she will get back to me soon with possibly dates in February or March. :) I think this is all that has happened today ya'll!

I miss you guys like crazy and I hope you are all staying cool! Kisses!!


Hey girls :)

Ta daaaa! Okay, it's not that exciting. Yet. I'm having difficulty changing/adding a background, so if one of you guys wants to edit it, I say, go for it! But I'll tweak it and have it cute in no time :)

I know Erika and I had talked about doing something like this to help us keep in touch, even though WE'LL BE SEEING EACH OTHER SOON. ;) But seriously, it's been awesome helping to keep up with what's going on with my old grade school friends, so this could be fun. No pressure, post whenever you want, whenever you're bored, or whenever you have time, but keep us updated :) 

Post awayyyyy!