Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hello ladies!

Since Tarah wrote one for August, I figured I could too.

There's not a whole lot going on in my life right now. I start working in the classroom tomorrow... little nervous. I wish I could skip it and just start my new job at the bank. They offered me the branch manager position, along with marketing director. I'm really excited about it! I don't know if I'll stay if I get an offer to teach at Dunlap, but it's a start if I don't want to teach. I'll be making enough to pay my car off in no time. If I live at home, I can probably have it paid off in 2 years! That's not going to happen bc I desperately want to move out, but it's an option:) I like options!

I probably sound like a spoiled bratt, but bear in mind I do live at home... Funny story, I dropped my cell into the toilet yesterday morning. Yup. I went fishing. Thank goodness it was clean, but that didn't really help the survival of my phone. The bank offered to pay part of the fees for me to have an iPhone if I stay to use for marketing, and I convinced my parents it was a great birthday present. Even if I don't stay at the bank, I can use it for teaching.

Dallas just turned 18. I can't believe he's so old! I'll be 22 in less than a month... YUCK! I really don't have much to say. I don't have a very interesting life. I read a lot. lol. I hope you have all had fabulous summers, and I hope to see you very soon;) I miss everyone, and I want you all to live in Peoria. Wherever you are is too far away from me.

Love you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Full-time WITH Benefits

Man, you guys have no idea how happy I was to see that I didn't miss a blog of the last month. I was freaking out thinking that so much might had happened but I'm relieved to find out I didn't miss out...

So, this week has been my first week working with Bass Pro. It's been kicking my arse! It's manual labor right now. We are all trying to set up the whole shop and make it look normal but when you go into the store you have to wear a hard hat while working because there is still a lot of construction going on and people are still painting the murals on the walls. It's really cool in there but a lot of work. Yesterday, after work, mom called me and told me that they might have a position at the Journal Star available for full-time. This is the second time she has told me that they might have a position open so I didn't think about it too much. In the late afternoon, Mike, the boss at the Journal Star called me and told me that they got approved to hire me for the full-time Obituary position! The position has benefits and everything and I will be getting paid around $16/hour! I was freaking out! So now I have to put in my two weeks notice at Bass Pro and they haven't even opened yet! I'm guessing they won't take it too lightly but hey, it happens.

Now I can finally start making some real money and saving it up for my wedding and a new house! I'm so excited. Going from $8.50 to $16 is a pretty big jump! My week is going to be a little different though. I'll be working from Saturday-Wednesday, so Thursdays and Fridays are my days off. So, I probably won't be able to do many things on the weekend with you guys :(

Well, that's all my exciting news! I love and miss you all!!!